Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Lovely Love

It is a story of  a girl's heart about love.
In this side of her heart fall in love to a boy there.
He is so far away from her.
He shows her how he is so serious with her heart.
He is so romantic.
He meets her just on internet for the first time.
It is so strange.
But their love is true.
They talk about their daily life.
And they are apart in a very long distance.
In different country and continent.
Every day they talk in phone and chat.
Until the day the boy want to visit her.
of course in her country.
She is very excited.
Now all her dream will come true.
She knows that the boy is really in love with her.
 And the time goes by until the day.
She is waiting for him in the airport.
She can't wait to meet her beloved love.
Then, he really comes as he promised.
He is really there face to face with her.
And he brings a ring, beautiful ring.
Just for his beloved love.
And they just stand up face to face
unable to say any words
their heart talk each other
how it is so romantic
then they walk together
and spend their happy time in the girl's country.

To be continued

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