Selasa, 30 Januari 2018

A tale .. Once upon a time

Fairy tales

Today .. we learned a new lesson.. a new unit ...  fairy tales ..
First.. I asked my pupils to draw pictures in 3 groups.. the pictures theme was fairy tales.. they can draw aeverything related to the tales.. and these are the pictures below..

They drew one picture.. and the other friends completed the pictures become a good picture..

Second, I asked them to make a story using their pictures.. it's not easy for some students because I asked them to speak English.. this is English class.. so please try to make a story in English..

I knew they tried.. but then I helped them to translate in English .. it was just a short story.. never mind .. I said to them ..

I am proud of you.. all of you have tried to make a story.. a tale . .. Now.. let us make the tales together.. using these three pictures

Third ..  then I make stories ... tales with them .. I wonder.. when we created the stories together.. It become a long long  tale.. and all the pupils were happy.. I wonder .. they were able to grow their imagination..

I was starting the story by the dragon picture .. on the bottom left corner.. I said ..

Once upon a time.. there was a very very big castle .. it was built by Mr. D (I mentioned the pupil's name who drew the castle)... and there was a very big big dragon want to enter the castle..

Then I stop my sentence and ask the pupils to continue my story..

I wondered.. they were able to make a chain story .. until the three pictures we had 3 stories at first but they combined the story and made one great tale.. haha.. we were so happy.. they tried hard to continue the story .. that's great .. they grow their imaginations..

The funny thing was.. when one pupil tried to make a story about the prince and the princess who stood up side by side .. he said .. the prince will marry the princess..

But .. another pupil said .. No ... they are brother and sister.. they will not get married ... and the story just changed suddenly..

I ask him.. did you draw the pictures so you know they are brother and sister..

Yes Miss...

But at the end.. this was a happy ending tale.. I could not tell you all the story .. but it was fantastic ..
I love teaching.. this is my teaching's adventures  today ..
Just be blessing wherever you are.. God bless you..

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