Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

A sweet memory with my pupil

I got a kiss...

I was sitting on my chair
Next to my desk
And ..
Some students were around me
They asked about the workbook
Some students already understand
Some.. just asked..
When I feel something special
A kiss..
On my cheek..
Haha..what a surprise
A simple happiness inside

I look at the boy..
"Did you kiss me? "
And he gave me his big smile..

"Why did you kiss me? "
He answered
"Because I love you Miss"..
What do you think I feel at that moment?
I can't even describe

When I taught kindergartens. .it is easily to get kisses from my students. . Kindergarten students like hugs and kisses.. almost every day.. but for elementary students. . I don't think so .. I got only one kiss on my cheek last year. .in the end of school year from a girl..

And now.. this morning..in the beginning of the school year.. I got a kiss from my student. . The boy..

Not yet finish..

When the bell's rang..and the students already done with their stuffs.. ready to go home...
Then I got a hug.. from the boy who kissed me before.. haha..he hugs me suddenly. . And of course surprised me..

Thanks God for this simple happiness You grant me today..

How I am a blessed and loved

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