memotivasi diri

Teman-teman terkasih,

jika kau masih hidup sampai sekarang,
berarti kau masih beroleh anugerah Tuhan
yaitu kesempatan untuk mewarnai dunia dengan cerahmu'

My Beloved Friends,
if you still alive,
that means you still get a grace from God,
a chance to color the world with your bright.

Sabtu, 09 Desember 2017

You are here

When I met the night
I saw you
When I greet the morning
And you're already there
When I saw the sunset
And you again already be there too
At noon time I'm gonna nap
You again already in my dream

Cause my heart misses you much more than I think
So you are just everywhere and every time

A feeling of missing you
December 10, 2017

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