memotivasi diri

Teman-teman terkasih,

jika kau masih hidup sampai sekarang,
berarti kau masih beroleh anugerah Tuhan
yaitu kesempatan untuk mewarnai dunia dengan cerahmu'

My Beloved Friends,
if you still alive,
that means you still get a grace from God,
a chance to color the world with your bright.

Minggu, 02 Oktober 2016


Fragile... unpredictable. .
That's life

Last Friday night. .almost midnight
I have an experience about life and death and I was in the between. .

The bus where I was in..bumped to the truck in front of it..I was sitting down in the first row seat..

In the grace of God.. by His will..
the bus ran smoothly to the truck..all people were under protection of God.. no body hurt..just the bus' mirror and the front part of bus were broken..

At that time..
I was listening a romantic song by Michael Learns to Rock..I didn't hear the voice of that bump..

Just learns..
We never know..when or life's end
So fragile and unpredictable. .
But once you believe in The Saviour of your life.. you will never be afraid when the time comes to you..yes just any time

Death is only like "a bridge" which brings me to my Saviour. .precious time..

I know whom I believe. .

Thanks for this experience ..God
If I am still means God's call to me has not been completed yet..

Life is work more to glorify my Lord and Saviour..

Filipi 1:21-22 (TB)

Karena bagiku hidup adalah Kristus dan mati adalah keuntungan.

Tetapi jika aku harus hidup di dunia ini, itu berarti bagiku bekerja memberi buah. Jadi mana yang harus kupilih, aku tidak tahu.

Written by Ari Budiyanti
June 9, 2016

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