memotivasi diri

Teman-teman terkasih,

jika kau masih hidup sampai sekarang,
berarti kau masih beroleh anugerah Tuhan
yaitu kesempatan untuk mewarnai dunia dengan cerahmu'

My Beloved Friends,
if you still alive,
that means you still get a grace from God,
a chance to color the world with your bright.

Jumat, 02 Februari 2018

Am I a detective or a teacher?

I wonder again this morning... I saw one of my pupil busy look for something around his table.. I saw just an eraser and the test paper on his table.. he looked so busy busy like a bee

Then I asked him..."are you looking for your pencil?"

"Yes Miss.. "

I smiled and said.. "that's on your ear"

And all the class laughed together..and so he did..
Then I calm the class.. "Enough.. it's okay..sometimes  we forgot a thing.. It doesn't matter.. me too.. sometimes Ms Ari also forgot where my pen is .. or somtehing else.. just.. don't forget all the time .. okay.."

This is my today's story.. I love teaching.. just be blessing wherever you are

Sometimes I confuse..
Am I a teacher of a detective .. haha

Another story this morning during the test.. we had two tests today..

One of my pupil asked me again..
"Miss.. I lost my eraser.. I couldn't find it anywhere" she said.. now a girl

Then I said .. "who borrow it for the last?"

She mentioned a name.. and she didn't find on him.. then like usually ..I asked her to find one more time in her pencil case.. drawer.. tray.. under her table.. and nothing.. we didn't find it.. what a mystery ..

But.. then she said to me.. "Miss.. I remember, I put it inside my jacket' pocket" with a shy shy smile ..

Then I announced to the class .. the mystery of losing eraser has been solved..  and all the class laughed again together.. I said to them..

"Sometimes Miss Ari wonder.. am I a detective .. who always help you to find your losing things everyday .. ?

Then we laughed again together... "No, Miss.. you are our teacher"

My teaching's story.. I love teaching.. be blessing wherever you are

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