memotivasi diri

Teman-teman terkasih,

jika kau masih hidup sampai sekarang,
berarti kau masih beroleh anugerah Tuhan
yaitu kesempatan untuk mewarnai dunia dengan cerahmu'

My Beloved Friends,
if you still alive,
that means you still get a grace from God,
a chance to color the world with your bright.

Rabu, 25 Juli 2018

A sweet memory with my pupil

I got a kiss...

I was sitting on my chair
Next to my desk
And ..
Some students were around me
They asked about the workbook
Some students already understand
Some.. just asked..
When I feel something special
A kiss..
On my cheek..
Haha..what a surprise
A simple happiness inside

I look at the boy..
"Did you kiss me? "
And he gave me his big smile..

"Why did you kiss me? "
He answered
"Because I love you Miss"..
What do you think I feel at that moment?
I can't even describe

When I taught kindergartens. .it is easily to get kisses from my students. . Kindergarten students like hugs and kisses.. almost every day.. but for elementary students. . I don't think so .. I got only one kiss on my cheek last year. .in the end of school year from a girl..

And now.. this the beginning of the school year.. I got a kiss from my student. . The boy..

Not yet finish..

When the bell's rang..and the students already done with their stuffs.. ready to go home...
Then I got a hug.. from the boy who kissed me before.. haha..he hugs me suddenly. . And of course surprised me..

Thanks God for this simple happiness You grant me today..

How I am a blessed and loved

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