memotivasi diri

Teman-teman terkasih,

jika kau masih hidup sampai sekarang,
berarti kau masih beroleh anugerah Tuhan
yaitu kesempatan untuk mewarnai dunia dengan cerahmu'

My Beloved Friends,
if you still alive,
that means you still get a grace from God,
a chance to color the world with your bright.

Kamis, 19 Juli 2018

Flowers in the rain

I cry
I am so sad
Sadly saw them
They are too beautiful
Their crown fell down
Piece by piece
The rain drops
Too hard
Too heavy
Too bad
I couldn't make it stop

The wind too fast
So fast
So hurt
I can't stop it too
They can just stay
Stand still
But hurt
Can't run
Can't go anywhere
Just stay..
Even so cold
And hurt again

Poem by me..
Not poem may be
Just a writing

Ari Budiyanti
July 19 th

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